Hike on your own, on a marked trail near Reykjavík
Are you in Reykjavík ? Want to go get some fresh air and exercise? There are a number of marked hiking routs all around Reykjavík so you don´t have to look far to go on a hike on your own. Here is one, in Mosfellbær, a small town outside Reykjavík. You can get there by bus and of course a car. The hike starts at Mosfell a farm and church in Mosfelldalur, (off the road to Þingvellir). Mosfell mountain marks the north side of the small valley. In the east end of the valley is Laxnes, now a horse farm. Laxnes was the birthplace of Halldór Laxnes the Nobel prize winning author and he lived most of his life in white house on the south side of the road. His home is now a museum you can visit, it´s called Gljúfrasteinn and is on the right hand side of the road when you exit the valley to the east.Halldór´s book A Parish Chronicle (Innansveitarkrónika) takes place in this valley and describes the way of life on the farms Mosfell and Hrísbrú which you will pass on this hike.The hiking rout is 4 km long taking you in a circel up and around this 276 meter high mountain.The rout is clearly marked with orange sticks, and starts on the north side of the church. When you walk up the hill you pass a rock called Diskur which means Dish, due to its flat shape. The hike up is easy and when on top you get a panoramaic view including a stunning view over Reykjavík.